Tuesday 24 June 2014

Arshi FF: Madly in love with you: Chapter 25B(Maha update): Consummation

Chapter 25B(Maha update): Consummation

Arnav was leaning  in the bar counter slipping alcohol endlessly without pray. The flashes of khushi in some else arm flashing in his mind all the way. First time in his life he entered the bar hopelessly to lessen his pain that is pricking this heart. His life completely shattered. He yet can't believe it his khushi whom he love more than anything betray her for someone else and now he started believing sofiya words. She is getting married someone else and fooled him..his love!!

After that night, khushi tried to talk with him many times but all went in vain. Neither he came to college nor he reached at home. It made her anxious and scared more vigorously. Probably no one knows where he was nor anyone have contact with her but one day she got information about him whereabouts by one of their common friend. On the other hand shashi pushed her for marriage but she hide everything related jatin seeing his health deteriorating. Making excuses of studies she willingly keep postpone the date in the hope everything wold be settled between her and arnav's.  One week passed like that and finally the day of exam arrived when he make an entry after so many days.

A small smile creep on her lips seeing arnav entering the class. Without giving single glance at her, he moved off that really hurt her. Every-time she tried to talk with him  but in return only get rejection from his side henceforth and her last ray of hope began dripping from her hands. Taking advantage of their rift, sofiya tried to get close to him. Many times khushi saw them together that really shuddered her heart like hell. Whenever She took step toward him to explain herself but every-time sofiya erupt in between and started approaching him. She flinched loosing her all self control and patience and shot on top of her voice without caring about anyone.

Khushi: ''Why you are behaving like this arnav..i am watching you since longer time..what is between you and sofiya..tell you straight away!!'' She pounced.

Arnav: You should be happy now get an opportunity to get rid off me and regarding sofiya..i don't need to justify myself...now kindly please excuse me...i have to study. Sofiya was watching them leaning in one corner and gave a victorious sigh.

He began walking away when she blocked his way and grabbed him.
Khushi(Pulling his collar): Why arnav..can't you gave me one chance to explain myself? She barked.

Arnav: Explain? He weakly smiled. ''Is there anything left..i have seen enough'' Looking at her puzzled face, he barked.
''Why khushi..why you cheated me...i loved you more than my life and you betray me''.

Khushi(Cupping his cheeks): No arnav..you are misunderstanding me...i never think in my dreams to be unfaithful with you..i love you so much. He pushed her away angrily. She was about to fell down but anyhow balanced herself while on the other hand sofiya smirked creating rift between them.

Arnav: Its over khushi..there is nothing left..you have broke my trust into million pieces. chali jao meri zindagi se mujhe tumhari shakal bhi nahi dekhna chahta. (Go away from my life..i don't want to see your face.)

Sofiya: ''Arnav aur khushi ke kahaani ka anth mere haatho hi likha hain..! (The end of their story been written in my hands.)  Sofiya smiled cunningly and went near arnav to support him making a gloomy face.

Sofiya: Arnav control yourself...no matter what i will never leave your hand. She rubbed his face with her fingers feeling out of the world wondering now no one able to snatched him away from her and she will get him. Arnav feel uncomfortable by her closeness and tried to shrugged her away but she hugged him tightly and everything is witnessed by khushi. She ran away dishearten by their closeness. He instantly pulled her away seeing her going away.
Arnav: What you doing sofiya..i already told you i only love khushi not you.

Sofiya: Arnav i just wanted to support you and sooth your pain..i have no other intention other than that.

Arnav: I love her sofiya..i love her a lot...I cannot think my life without her. He spoke in painful voice. 

Sofiya: ''Arnav you have to forget her and move on...she don't deserve your love''.
''I gave you so much love that you forget that khushi''
Sooner exams came to an end but nothing change between arnav and khushi and her tension began rising when jatin again came to meet shashi and goaded him for their marriage once again without caring about her wishes. One hand arnav is going away from her and other-side that jatin is not leaving any chance to get closer to her. Everything is messed up. Getting frustrated, She decided to meet arnav one last time and if he still doubt her love she would take her life but would never marry someone else, she indulge in determination and drove toward his farmhouse, his mumma place that is the only place that gave him peace. She already know whenever he was sad and depressed, he spend his most of time in his mother embrace and get one last chance to solve all their misunderstandings. Wearing white shirt and chiffon long shirt she reached his farmhouse but unfortunately watchman stopped her at door gate and didn't allow her in.

Arnav gave strict warning to watchman not to let anyone in but khushi being adamant whatever happen today if god itself come to her way she won't stop and would meet him by hook or crook. Know all his tactics much well, she find her way to the balcony like once she barged when he is depressed. 

Grinning at herself, She instantly jumped inside and shake her shoulder proudly for her bravery. Arnav was sitting in his room holding his mother picture get alerted and immediately went in the living room listening some loud sound. Shock would be understatement for him.  She is standing in front of him whom he least expected. Her stunt amused him. An unknown smile appear on his lips seeing her but yet again he made a stern face remembering how she she ditched him.
Arnav: Now what the hell you want khushi? Get out from my house right now!! he yelled.

Khushi(Placing hands on her hips): So that you have fun with your new girlfriend? She taunted arrogantly.

Arnav: Stop talking rubbish and get lost. He yelled.

Khushi: With lot of difficulty I entered your house and instead of feeling proud of my victory, you are shouting at me''. She pouted sadly and he rolled his eyes awfully.

Khushi: Anyways I came here to tell you the truth but now i change my decision.. i don't think there is anything left in our relationship. She bring this topic purposely knowing well about his possessive nature. He gave her go ahead look and she continued,'' I reject him for you but now i think i should only marry him..he is best option for me to spend my rest of my life pleasantly..what you you think? He tightened his grip hurtfully and close his eyes controlling his rage. All the flashes of their beautiful moment came before his eyes.

Khushi: ''Best of luck for your future Mr raizada..i have a great time with you and now as you say everything is over so I am legally came to broke up with you imposing full stop on our relationship and going to start my marital life with my fiancee''. His eyes darken in fire and saw her moving toward the main door. He felt as if she is going away from his life forever and he would never be able to see her ever again and before she take her foot outward, he grabbed her arms roughly and pinned her onto the door locking it up.

Khushi: ''Leave me what you doing?''

Arnav: ''Tum meri ho sirf meri.. samjhi tum!!'' He spoke in an authorized tone. Inside she is jumping in joy knowing how her presence affecting her and she continue played with him.

Khushi: You are mistaken...i am going to be someone else bride..tomorrow is my marriage and after that i am going to be his with all mighty. He exhaled a sharp breathe controlling his nerve but nothing is calming him. Sooner her cellphone rang and jatin name flashed in her mobile. She smile wickedly looking at his ragging face.

Khushi: My fiancee is waiting for me..so can you please excuse me!! He is getting mad by each passing moment which is not go unnoticed by her. 

Arnav: ''I will see how you would go''!

Khushi: Oh really you will stop me? Giving a buttery smile,she turned to leave but before she make any move he tore her shirt sleeve furiously and pulled herself in his strong arms.Her mouth open in a wide O-shaped by glaring at her disheveled clothes and began engulf in his arms.
''You monster how dare you!!''He smirked wikedely seeing her helpless state and she pushed him away.

Arnav: ''Now I will see how you meet him!!'' Challenging her.
She cover her sleeves removing scarf from her bag. 'Like this''! She stated shortly showing equal attitude and again moved back to strode away when he removed her scarf from her neck and broke first three button of her shirt and her slightly revealing cleavage exposed to him. She shrieked and crossed her arms around her revealing chest.

Khushi: yeh kya batemeezi hain?(What is this misbehavior?) How can you do this? He sighed mischievously.

Twisting her both hand behind her back, he crashed her deadly closer in such a way they can feel each other breathe.''Like this''! He tore other sleeve of her shirt gladly.
Arnav: ''Tumne kya socha mujhse picha chudana itna asaan hain?''(What you thought is it so easy to get away from me.) Khushi looked into his eyes seeing the depth of his love. Her breathe get irregular.'' I would never let anyone to get closer to you...only I have right to touch you to explore you in detail''. She interlocked her hand with his palm and look at him intensely. The temperature between their bodies began rising.

Khushi: ''Arnav I hate you...you have no authority to had me..I..I can...''! She began trembling. Passing a weak smile, he exclaimed deliberately and stopped her touching her lips.

Arnav(Huskily): ''Your lips, they are only mine to be touched''. He rubbed her lips with his rough fingers seductively. Cannot able to resist herself she tilted her head away while he brushing her lips with his own lips.

''Your eyes, they are only to see me''. He kissed her eyes and sucked her eyelids.

''Your arms, only to embrace my love''. He clutches her possessively and there is no space of air in between their bodies to pass.

''Your body, it is only to be feast by me''. He began roaming his hand all over her body and stroking it that is creating havoc sensation on her.

''Your entire existence is only for me''.  She smiled affectionately by seeing the intensity and possessive love . At present he was deprived of one thing he needed most and that was love and now he needed more than before. For so long only pain and anger had filled his mind and emptied his heart. Every day this space increased and made him alone but now he wanted her love. By seeing she is no more resisting in his arms, he bite, nibbled and licked her lips to vanish his anger but by realizing he is being harsh he arched back but the moment he about to leave her lips, she held her shoulder and sucked his lips. This time khushi taken the initiative and his heart swell in happiness. Their tongues met and then both were drowning in another world. He kissed her back with equal passion and intensity, showing her that he too wanted this kiss as badly she want.
Her mobile beep brought them back to their senses.He widen his eyes realizing their position and immediately pull her apart. Guiltily his eyes went at her disheveled shirt that is almost tore by him and her sensitive parts no more hidden from his eyes. He never wanted to love someone to this extent and it was killing him and before he harm her by his furious nature, he prefer to go away. Moving backward, he took steps away but being stopped suddenly listening a voice from behind. Khushi pick up the call and put  on the speaker stepping toward him. Its shashi's doctor on the line and he was inquiring about his health status. That means khushi is saying right. Her father is really not well. Here she is suffering from mental trauma and he doubted her. Feeling disgust and angry on himself, he cannot able to met her eyes and continue walking away but khushi stopped him hugging him from behind and whispered in his ear something that made him weaken.

Khushi: ''I love you arnav..don't go I need you badly in my life..i love you when u touch me..i love you more when you hold me but I hate you when you mistrust me..'' Turning toward her, he hurriedly scoop her in his arms in a bone crushing hug.

Khushi: ''One guy named jatin is behind me and he took advantage of papa health and compel me to marry him.. he just disgust me and try to get closer to me, arnav..i don't want to marry him I told him I love someone else yet he is stubbornly following me everywhere and irritate me by calling and coming to my house''. There is only numbness from his end. He was silently holding her without exchanging any word. That when she realize some wetness on her shirt and look at him audibly. Tears dripping from his eyes knowing about the actual truth. She raised her hand to cupped his cheeks but he inched back.

Arnav: ''Don't touch me khushi..i don't deserve you..i hate myself..go away before i destroy you!!'' In return she plant a wet kiss on his cheeks.

Khushi: 'It is so strange to reveal yourself to a person which is always in your heart''. Before he comprehend the meaning of her words, he saw her removing her shirt. Narrowing his eyes in surprise, he glance at her discard shirt shattered on the floor. He looked away feeling reluctant to look at her.

Khushi yeh kya kar rahi ho tum? (What you doing?) Looking at the floor. She inched and raised his chin touching his face and smile by his kind gesture.

Blog part

''I wanted to make you mine..completely and entirely..touch me, kiss me, ravish me.. do whatever you want but just make me yours…I want you arnav I always have’’! She confessed curiously. 

He never seen the bold side of khushi. She was always shy whenever he made an intimate move but today she is straight-fully demanding his love by submitting herself. 

Khushi took his hand and placed it above her chest, on his heart. He could feel heart beating violently. It was not due to physical desire but also love. Her breast moving up and down saying everything. He could feel her love in each heartbeat of hers. Looking directly into his eyes, she wanted to dominate by a simple kiss and taken then opportunity by crashing her mouth into a wild smooching kiss. He could feel her love in that kiss. He could feel her submission in that kiss..an eternal bliss. Pressing herself by her waist, he increased the pressure of his mouth and she followed him. They both kissed each other madly until it became inevitable to break it. When they both parted, she was breathless. A small smile spread on his lips seeing her flushed face and swollen lips and she began tracing her fingers on his sexy taunt chest. The roaming hand pulled his shirt apart and slid it off.

Arnav: You have no idea what is going to happen with you in next moment..i love you khushi but that doesn't mean I would take advantage of you.’’

Khushi: ‘’I wanted to know how you take advantage of your girl..i m ready to bare all consequence!'' He looked on lovingly her feisty nature.

She took his hand and began touching and tracing it over her face arousing him. Bending his head and trailing kisses southward, he accessed her chest by smoothing it with his wild kisses and bites. She sighed and kissed and nibbled his shoulders, clawing his back at the while.

Arnav: ''Be prepared I am going to be harsh on you''. She hitched and he continued,’’ I will explore every part of your body and you won’t be able to stop me.’’ His words literally shake her inside and she immediately hugged him getting frightened by his intense voice. He circled his arms around her milky back and get hold of her hairs and placed few urgent smooches on her delicious mouth while his hand began stroking her all over. Leaving her lips after long time, he bend down trailing kissing across her bra and put a gentle squeeze with his hand. She pulled his hairs and knead him more toward her moulds. He began massaging her mould with his rough hand and she yelped in a slight pain but sooner replaced it with moans when his mouth seductively careless it with his mouth. Sliding it off with his teeth, he sucked her breast with his hungry mouth over her bra with his luscious tongue. Her eyes welled up in tears getting love by him. She is giving herself to the man she loved more than her life. With one pull he unhooked her bra with her teeth and threw it away over his discard shirt.

She shuddered when he turned her to face him. She blushed furiously as he stared hungrily at her mouldsHurriedly she placed her palm on her eyes to hide herself to the man she loved the most. Kissing her fingers one by one, he rubbed her hands and traced it till her shoulder. She is now standing in her skirt in front of him. He cupped her breast and with his luscious tongue that arched her back with his touches. He rolled his tongue over her bosoms that sent waves of shivers across her nerves. She gasped clutching his hairs as he took one of her nipples into his warm mouth while his hand cupped the other breast and kneading it with his fingers. 

She panted heavily when he sharply bites into her nipples causing her to moan his name. She utter his name loudly when he leave her left breast and feast on the other. Her throat jolted in excitement when he trailed wet kisses down the valley of her curves and tasting her passionately like never before. After satisfying her women assets, he moved down and licked her belly bottom by his sexy lips. Sensing her weaken legs, he circled her half nude body in his arms and walked toward his bedroom without breaking the eyelock. Once reaching the bed, he placed her down. Shutting the door, he took slow predatory steps toward her and looked at her with desire and passion. Her petite body sank into luscious bed and he jumped on top of her and wildly kissed, nibbled and bit her neck. 

Khushi: ‘’Arnav please stop..’’!
Arnav: ''You going to love it.baby’’ He impatiently moved down and again explore her skin aggressively not leaving any single place to be mark by him. He began moving her skirt through in upward direction rubbing it sensually. She try restraining when his hand reached her hips and began playing with her leg rubbing her sexy hips while his mouth busy exploring her throat. She felt the weight of his chest over her breast as their lips yet again fused for a wet passionate kiss.
She was so beautiful and ravishing and he feel lucky that this lady belong to him. He wondered and wanted to love her again and again yet can't get enough of her. She turned her face to other side by his intense gaze. She shirked feeling his tempted hands inside her moist panty as his mouth sucking her curves one after other. Only she could arouse him to such an extent. She hissed in sharp pain as he slid his finger inside her panty and touching her wet core. She felt a different kind of sensation that never feel or experience before. Rolling him under her, she began kissing him all over his upper body while his hand began rubbing his core more roughly. Removing the last barrier from her body, he make her nude completely.
He keep admiring the divine beauty laying in his arms. His eyes moistened thinking how he mistrusted her not even caring about her feeling and she even ready to gave her most prized possession. Few drops tripped into her face. Khushi who had her eyes closed resisting by their new intimacy, opened her eyes instantly. Looking into his eyes, she adore him lovingly.
Arnav: ''Khushi I am sorry…I doubted your love and you are giving yourself…i..!'' she placed her finger and stopped him.
Khushi: Sooner or later we must be one so why not now…complete me a a women.’’ All she knew was she wanted him desperately. By listening her plead, he didn't waste anytime more and again smashed her lips hungrily. Braking off, he sucked her nipples that had turned harder inside his mouth. 

He parted her legs and moved down and sucked her wetness. She lost all her sanity that held on to and his sensuous touches making it more difficult and she craved for more and more. Arnav was heavily surprised when he felt her hands trying to take off his boxers. He helped her to slid it down and she shuddered his erected hardness reveal to her. Her flowery scent drugged into his veins and he began tasting each and every corner of her body leaving bite mark everywhere. She dugged her nails into his shoulder as she could no longer wait to feel him. He was gazing her expression excitedly.
''Do it arnav..please do it..i can’t wait''. She was whimpering ruthlessly and the sound of her wild and sexy voice made him groan when he played with her sensitive parts inserting his finger inside her core. She began fidgeting when he seductively rubbed his fingers inside her core in the circular motion playing with her Vagina. Sooner his finger was replaced by his mouth and he sucked all her juices pinning her both hands. Cannot take his anymore, he slipped inside her. Her breathe hitched feeling his manliness rub against her core and then he penetrate her femininity with his arousal. She screamed in loud pain as his thrust were harsh and rough with passion. Leaving his hands, she clutched the bed-sheet and moaned uncontrollably. He pushed inside her more deeper to reached the ultimate heights of pleasure and finally he reached his destination and broke the last virginal walls with his final thrust to unite with her. Both blurred as they reached their most passionate orgasm they could ever imagined. He collapsed over her breast and a lone tear rolled from the corner of her eyes being a  complete women by him.
Khushi was panting with heavy breathe as he withdrew himself from her. He looked into her eyes that were flowing with happiness and satisfaction. He careless her face lovingly.
I love you khushi..’’ his voice was heavy with emotions.
‘’I love you too arnav..’’ His marks of claims make him realize she was his only his..’'

Please do comment in both blog and IF


  1. awesome parts dear just love the both
    consummation part was too hot
    continue soon
    thanks for pm

  2. That was an hot update...
    Loved it...

  3. Awesome n super hot part dear really blushing after reading it finally arshi one

  4. amazing updates !!! sofiya and jatin are trying so hard to separate ARSHI.. but ARSHI took a step ahead which their enemies don't even know about.. they consummated their love.. arnav is so sorry to mistrust khushi but arnav is not having knowledge that he is seeing what he is been shown.. do continue soon would like to see how does jatin marries khushi?? loved the update..

    thanks for pm :)

  5. Sofiya n Jatin did every thing to seperate ARSHI...I'm happy that ATLEAST Arnav knows real face of Jatin...but does he know Sofiya is behind all this...?

  6. nicky it was too hot yaar........
    really blush worthy..........
    detailed of hot moments..........
    well done ...hot job ,,,,,lol...

  7. Super update,,, it was just mind blowing,,,

  8. Lovely update....

  9. very beautiful update finally she proved that she truly loves him and never cheated (IF User id laksh65) thanks for the pm

  10. awesome update........
    loved it..........
    hate sofia & jatin......
    always behind arshi......
    sofia tried 2 manipulate arnav......
    he slapped her......
    arnav saw khushi & jatin......
    he ignored khushi.......
    she came 2 his farmhouse......
    arnav realised his mistake.....
    they consummated der love......
    then hw she ended up marrying jatin....?
    thanx 4 d pm & blog link.........
    dhanyac (IF)

  11. not a word to say it just mind blowing
    loved it
    finally they become one
    arnav and khushi rock
    awesome update
    thank for pm and block link
    love u

  12. Hey hot hot update....just loved it dear......

  13. Nicky mind blowing update
    Sofia and Jatin tried a lot to separate Arnav and Khushi but they both consummate their love :)
    Loved their sensual, sizzling , passionate love making

    sudhareddy - IF

  14. the consummation part was awesome yaar.it was sensual,sizzling and hot yaar

  15. blog update wa

    Nidi you became very bad

    you spoiling this innocent sole

    god forgive you

    from silent reader lol

  16. Awww that was such a passionate update...

    I wanted to kill Sofiya and Jatin.. they both are disgusting...

  17. that was dame erotic and hot *Wink* *Clap*
    jatin just wanted to take advantage of the situation...
    but khushi had always arnav and vice versa..
    she gave him everything....
    next update awaited :)

    IF id-sana11

  18. Khushi is always Arnav's..
    awesome update.....
    thank you....

  19. Wow!!!
    Such a passionate and steamy update...
    Finally their soles became one...
    Amina87 from IF...

  20. THis was kjwdiwebui hot



  21. Passionate Update.
    Loved it soo much

  22. wow dear that was really vry passionate n romantic update roshaan if

  23. Super awesome and hot update
    finally they consume their love
    although it against khushis virtues but good that she is safe from jatin
    why after all this she was forced to married to
    Loved both parts
    soo romantic and passionate

  24. Awsum update..loved it
    Finally arshi consummate der love..so hawwttt sensual nd passionate

  25. thank you guys for your all your lovely comments

  26. awesome update
    through every misunderstanding love finds it's way
    sofia tried so hard to create MU b/w them
    but arshi went one step ahead
    arnav was so angry at himself for not believing her
    glad khushi is stubborn
    she just didn't give up
    this was really HOT update

    can't wait to read more update soon

  27. Amazing chapter...........thanks for the PM

  28. Lovely update!

  29. Boy that was hot
    glad he knows truth now n they became one but still they were seperated later wonder how her father n that creep jatin managed it more emotional blackmail I suppose
    anyways awesome as always
    thanks for pm n plz keep em comin my way
