Thursday 9 February 2017

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Twisted events

''Where is he?'' Arnav asked barging inside with his eyes searching doctor who already disappear from the premise.
''I send him back..'' Aman answered, trying hard not to stammered and act normal. No way he will let asr know about her pregnancy. But asr didn't miss the look of surprise on his face and glare him doubtfully with folded arms.
''And who gave your permission to let him go? You are my boss or I'm your boss dammit?'' he snarled and remove his cell to dial doctor's number that really panic him.
''Asr- don't call him..there is nothing serious she is fine..really?'' He tried to convince him but of no use. Line is already connected and he hold his cell near his ears to gather the information from opposite person. Aman get agitated by the attention Asr giving to khushi which is surely not good for him at all. Hurriedly, he came forward and snatched his mobile. Arnav began getting annoyed with his interfering in his matter uselessly.
''Don't you think you giving too much important to that girl..I mean how could yo-..'' Words stuck into his mouth when asr grabbed his neck warning him in a bad tone.
''No one dare to stop Arnav singh raizada and no one dare to question him..'' he replied with insolent attitude.
''But..'' he tried to argue.
''One more word and you will loose all the bloody right to live in this earth..'' he blasted creating full stop on his mouth. Aman gulped seeing him burning like volcano by his interference and he finally step back. While arnav carried his mobile to punch the number once again.
''Hello..! Aman's eyes widen when he continued. ''Yes doctor..i rang you to know about miss gupta...'' He started talking and doctor narrate him about her current report which he examined.
''What??????'' He drop his gaze toward khushi then at aman astonished by what he heard on another end. He threw the mobile somewhere before giving him a glare. After a long silence, he spat.
''Now I got you why you so hell bend in stopping me..'' Arnav eyes turned dangerous glaring him like he going to kill him anytime.
A girl of late 20's was grinning excitedly while packing her stuffs into a bag. She was very exited to go back home and meet her elder sister as now final vacations started and no more studies till job selection. She really missing her. Taking out her snap out of her bag, she smiled kissing it and started chattering.
''Khushi Di-I'm coming to eat your brain..get ready for my surprise..'' She naughtily smile and jumped here and there getting curious to go back home. The girl is none other than Arohi gupta, khushi younger sister who had just finished her exams and now all set to reach her native place.
''Apko mere bilkul yaad nahi ati nah? (Don't you remember me?) No phone message? Don't worry I will teach you good lesson once reaching Delhi..'' She pouted. After a moment she heard a bang coming from window. She open her mouth to shout when someone pulled and smacked her mouth with his to stop her from screaming.
''Its me arohi..not any ghost pagli..'' She looked on bamboozled seeing her boyfriend entering in girls hostel like a action hero and immediately hide him behind her bed before her roommate saw him who is in washroom.
''You! idiot what you doing here..?'' She whispered slowly, trying hard not to shout.
''I wanted to see you before we arrived our respective homes..'' he get sad and pull her cheeks as he gonna missed her like hell.
''Why?..'' She shoot with her hands on her hips like an investigating officer.
''Don't you know..'' He said pulling her closer by her waist. She get melted down in a sudden hearing his sweet words and she hide herself on his chest feeling bad as they were not able to see each other for long. He is the best lover in the world and she feel upset for their separation.
''I love you AKASH..I will miss you baby..'' She kissed his cheeks and he smiled back seeing her all lovely-dovley.
''Once I reach home, I talk to my bhai and after that never let you go away from me..'' she blushed and he hugged her, feeling content by her sweetness.
''You love me that much..?'' She asked desperately.
''Yes sweety and I want to marry you as soon as possible..'' Her eyes popped out hearing the word MARRIAGE. She chewed her nails getting nervous thinking about her sister reaction getting this news.
''Oh no no no..god only save me from my di..i can't imagine how she will react knowing I had an affair with you from past 6 months and she is not even a hint of it..'' She began fidgeting her hands getting worried. He came around and hold her in his embrace.
''Relax!'' She hummed him and they keep on talking.
''You know bhai's engagement got broke and my anjali di is really very upset with bhai so I need to go there and handle the situation..'' He narrated her everything and she glanced at him comprehending the scene. There was a concern reflection through his gesture the way he is describing about his siblings specially his brother, who is an idle to him.
''You really love your bhai haina..'' She asked playing with his shirt button.
''More than my life..i can do anything for him..anything..'' She raised her eyebrow and was about to shoot another query when she hear someone footstep. Before anyone suspect him, She pushed him out of her room. He dashed off giving her last blowing kiss and she smiled back bidding him bye.
Aman waited for him to say anything but he was silent. It is difficult to judge what is going to come. May be he will punish her or something worst going to happen. He was clueless while arnav was glaring him with unreadable expression on his face.
''Asr.i m sorry..I..I..'' his voice cracked with his head bowed. Everything is finished now. All his plan went in vain by this one bloody truth while arnav didn't say a word. After a shear silence, he heard his ruthless roar.
''What's the need to hide an important news from me..why??????'' Aman was tongue tied. He had no answer. He inhale sharply and his next statement really fluttered him.
''Because She..she..'' He had no words to cover up already messed up situation.
''She what?! She had detected asthma and I was not even aware about it?'' Shock radiated him as soon as words escaped from asr mouth.
''Doctor has detected alcohol in her blood..!'' He completed making him more surprised. That mean he don't know she is pregnant? Aman sigh in relief and began to smile in satisfaction.
''Woh...actually asr.. I..I don't want you to feel pity for this poor girl..''
''Why should I care..'' His face was stern, showing no emotion as these things hardly affect him.
''She will live or die i don't give a damn in fact I am feeling happy because she deserve it.. I hate this women whatever she is paving today is all because of her stubbornness and attitude.
Khushi was standing in the bus stop from past 2 hours but no bus came till now. Its already 9 PM and she is dying in hunger and nervousness as she can't found anyone miles away. She was trying to call karan so that he could drop her home but her phone battery is low. When from somewhere a big car stopped in front of her and a great ASR made his entry. She looked away noticing him as if he won't exist-able
''Come and sit inside the car...'' he ordered in a bossy tone.
''No thanks..i will manage..'' She denied showing her attitude. She will die here or prefer to stand alone but never ever take his help.
''I said come and sit in the car dammit..'' He shouted and she shifted in fear.
''Are you deaf I said I m not interested..spare me..'' Her stubbornness definitely pissed him off. Due to lavanya insistence, he came here else he had no time to waste on this silly girl who never learn how to talk.
That's when Asr cell rang and lavanya insisted him to gave call to khushi as her phone is switched off. Lavanya tried to convince but she literally denied to take a lift from her boyfriend in front of his face. That is a big insult of his big fat ego. How can a girl reject the great Arnav singh raizada and that a bloody middle class arrogant girl. He forcefully grabbed her hand and dragged her inside his car without giving single glance to her who was pushing him to let her go.
''Bloody hell..i will not bite you..'' He getting irritated and worn her to seat properly without creating any scene in the middle of the road. But khushi is khushi She never give up. But she forgot she is dealing with asr who don't like all this girlish act.
''Don't touch me..a girl like you always need a chance to come close to me..'' Her jaw dropped and she immediately step back creating distance between them. While he gave his usual smirk.
''How could you force me like that..i will not tolerate all this..samjhe aap..'' She retorting pointing finger.
''Okay fine then jump..'' Her eyes widen as soon as she heard it and then she finally stop her acts taking a seat beside him.
''What happen..dar gayi sherni..?'' (Got scared.. tigress?) He spoke huskily. She feel angry the way he was teasing and mocking her. Taking a deep breathe, she was trying to calm her nerve but its not helping.
Arnav why you need to give me lift..i could have hire taxi..why you didn't reject lavanya..?''
Because she is my girlfriend and I really don't want any freaking girl create any difference in our relationship..did you got that?'' He said arrogantly with greeted teeth pressing each and every word conveying her to stay away from his matters. She don't understand how can a person should be this insensitive. She wondered and a desire to jerk him out of gaze enhance her. A single moment was intolerable for her. He keep on driving when he heard her by then.
''If you love her then why you behind me.. what about those flowers you send me...what you trying to prove all the time by all those can never have me..never..'' He rose in anger and stop the car in a sudden jerk. She gulped looking who is on the verge of losing his patience.
Asr can have any girl if he wants at any time and that you know khushi gupta..'' she feeling disgusting by his words not wanted to persuade him more...but she cannot stay silent after all these accusation. He need to learn how to respect girls. A girl is not a tissue paper which can be used and thrown out like useless stuffs. His manners and presence repulse her to the core.
''You are wrong and your thinking is dare you compare me with those girls whom you use for arnav you can never have me.. what does you think of yourself no sane person can breathe air you have breathed..girls may die to be with you but I would die rather than spending a minute with you..'' She moved out from car angrily and rarely taken a foot when he pulled her crashing her back into his front, locking her into his rigid embrace.
''Are you challenging me?'' She look back into his eyes.
''Yes!'' He was staring her and she was scared of his intention. She no longer trying to get herself free from him since she know he is much stronger than her. She held her breathe and his lips touch her lightly below her ear. She immediately pushed him back coming back into senses. Her breathe getting irregular. How dare he come close to me? Without thinking anymore longer, She slapped him on his face.
''This is for coming close to me..'' She said and took the dirt in her hand from ground and smacked on his face.
''And this is for playing with lavanya's innocent heart..Never underestimate a girl strength..'' She had have enough without realizing the opposite person is not habitual to rejection. She had dared him and it was one of her biggest mistake that could have been made. She left from there fuming. He close his fist and bang the car furiously.
''Khushi kumara gupta- you are going to pay huge price slapping me twice and what you said I cannot have you..well let see till how long you will resist from asr charm..i will make you so helpless that you yourself come to me and beg me to spend night with me..just wait and watch how your life changes after this moment..''
''Asr where you lost..'' Aman waved his hand in front of his eyes and arnav came back to present with his eyes glancing at khushi remembering her words. He compose himself and look at aman casually.
'' Urmm..Nothing! I m leaving for home some important work come up..lock this room and keep an eye on her..'' He instructed his men along with his manager and abruptly rose from his place to left the apartment not before giving last glance to unconscious khushi.
Once he left, aman made some excuse and bring all asr's guards to some site for work so that he could get rid off this problem without any hindrance. Taking a meaningful step, he advance toward khushi. His eyes landed at her flat stomach where Asr part growing.
''Not bad played really well to satisfy asr in bed..someone pinch me! Gosh you made yourself pregnant I still can't believe this... he pleasuring you so hard in the name of revenge that you are now going to become mother of his child! Didn't he use protection while having sex with this freaking girl?'' His frown brow.
Unfortunately his bloody sin had to die, he will make sure of that otherwise all his plan would go waste. He gave an evil laugh and made a quick call to thanks doctor for saving him. Aman already knew him personally and he shut doctor mouth giving him some bundles. He remember how his heart almost come to his mouth when asr tried to investigate about khushi reports. Its good doctor cover up entire matter seeing aman's urgent SMS.
Aman is a shrewd person. He has been working for Asr for past one year only for achieving his goals. Within a short span of time, he successfully gain asr trust by proving himself most dedicated and sincere employee without letting him doubt his intention. For the first time, Asr raised his hand on him and suspecting him only due to this filthy girl..he need to handle her first before she open her big mouth and spoil everything.
After a while nurse entered taking a slow hesitant steps. She raised her head hearing his voice and he gave her go ahead look. She remain firm in her position that really fed him up.
''I said start the abortion process now..'' he shouted making her step back fearfully.
''No sir I can't do this..its illegal to abort a baby without mother or father permission..She need to sign those papers first and then if she is fully prepared I..I..'' Her words get interrupted by his sharp voice..
''Now you will teach me what I had to do.. don't use your stupid brain and start your work..'' He shouted.
''But sir Only a mother had a right to decide about her baby not anyone..'' She tried to put her point in a hope he will understand. In no time he raised his gun to fire her. She get horrified seeing his moves.
''You have no as I say..'' She was helpless and looked back at a lifeless figure guiltily. Being a mother, she knew how painful it was to loose our baby. Nothing could be more painful than this. She was praying someone come and stopped her in committing this crime but unfortunately this is ought to happen. Her heart cried for this poor soul who was totally oblivious what is happening around her and once she started realizing about her motherhood, everything gone finished. Aman glance at the wrist watch irritating and commanded nurse to hurry up whose had was shivering while drugging her injection. He was getting impatient as he had to complete this task before asr reached.
Arnav stepped inside Raizada mansion taking long strides while his mind lost in the deep thought. He don't want to see distrust in his di's eyes.
''Chotte..'' He look back at the tensed state of di and come around to have a talk.
''What's so urgent that you call me?'' A hand tugged from behind and he look back shocked.
''Lavanya..?'' He was pleasantly surprised while she greeted him plastering a wide smile on her face. His eyes fell on her handbag which she was holding. He looked her confused.
''I missed you asr..'' She kissed his cheeks by placing her head on his shoulder. Arnav look uncomfortable in front of di.
''Lavanya this is my house..'' He muttered under his breathe and she stepped back noticing her.
''So what we are going to marry soon...'' Anjali looked away feeling embarrassed while lavanya next phrase surely shocked him.
''First tell me what you doing here at this time? wasn't your dad w-.'' Been interrupted by her.
''I leave my dad house forever and from now I m going to stay with you..'' She stated making him rooted at the ground.
''Yupp..A place where there is no respect for you I will never step there again..'' He remain numb and turned to look at di, expecting any reaction but she was motionless. He moved and hold her hand unable to bear her strange behavior anymore. She is the most important to him and he could do anything to gain her forgiveness.
''You still angry di..?'' He insisted her to speak up. But no reply.
''Trust me di..I'm not married yet?'' Looking at his sad face, she mellow down and cupped his cheeks making a small nod. He feel happy seeing trust in her eyes.
''Don't ever broke my trust chotte and never hide anything from your di..promise me?'' Her words stir something inside him. His mind went only in one direction- KHUSHI. But he wanted to control and closed his eyes to block everything out of his mind.
''Never di...I promise..'' he replied assuring her and inhale a heavy breathe Lavanya smiled. The siblings had a talk for sometime. After that, Anjali left to made some arrangement for welcoming her another brother, akash who is arriving home anytime. On the other hand, Lavanya pull arnav in a corner, a place hidden from everyone eyes and cupped his face.
''So tell me when we are going to marry asr..?'' She looked into his eyes who is silent all the time staring at nothing particular.
''Asr tumhe mujhe dekhke KHUSHI nahi hui? (Aren't you happy seeing me?)
''Khushi?'' His mind freeze hearing her name.
''Dammit!'' He gaze at the wall clock and then grabbed his car keys to escort back. May be she wake up till now. He had an argue to go and check her once if she okay or not. He wondered and immediately began rushing outside leaving behind lavanya confused of his sudden changed behavior.
To be continued!!

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