Saturday 15 October 2016

Chapter 1

                                   Chapter 1: Realization

People believe that you get everything you desire once you are in love but for some reason love is the only reason for their destruction and burn their entire destiny in an instant.
A girl of late 20's was sitting in the bar counter fully drunk and stare at the empty glass with half conscious state. Her life was nothing like an empty glass which can be broken into pieces and shattered the ground. The girl is khushi gupta who took another drink and gulped it. It has been whole 3 month since that incident. The time she spend in London with him was the best moment of her life until he ruined it by his unfaithfulness. She closed her eyes as his words piercing her soul. These 3 months she couldn't sleep, couldn't eat anything and her whole body was trembled by recalling his harsh reality. Her inside was burning with pain and anger. She was not in her senses and saw few couples engrossed in their own world and enjoying with their respective partners.
There was few words that was still echoing in her mind, the word that Arnav singh raizada uttered.
She laugh sarcastically understand the real meaning of those words. Her life was shattered. A person has taken her virginity in the name of loving her and that was beyond her endurance. She was still cursing herself for letting him played with her modesty. She was trying to erase him out of her brain and body but it was getting more sinful. 
''He used me? How could he do something like that...he destroyed my life..! She trust him with all her heart and he played with her feelings..'' She felt tainted and disgusted of herself as she could still feel his touch all over her body. How pathetic!
TRUST? How could she let him fool her by every single step in the name of trust..He ripped her dignity and shredded her heart into pieces.. Her every pore was now burning.. She cried bitterly when she recalled how closed they got.
The pain ran deeper inside her and it reached stronger within every cells.  She threw the glass and started drinking alcohol directly from bottle in a hope it will sooth her. But it getting unbearable. She gave a bitter laugh as soon as his memories making her restless. On her every tears, every sorrow and every wound, only his right remain there throughout the life.
''I loved him beyond all reason and what I got in return..his betrayal!'' She hate him but now she hate herself more.
God had snatched everything she had adore and she cannot do anything. She lost her family at the age of 8..that day she broke down when she become orphan as she lost her parents and now she lost her self respect and the most precised possession of her life- her honor for a man who don't loved her at all. He used her! Rage and anger burning her entire nerves. She look at the broken glass and took it in her hand before moving toward her slit. All her hopes and faith began to sink. There was only pain and grief remaining.
I fall in love with MY was her biggest mistake to fall in love for such a man who don't even knew the purity of love..she finally admitted the harsh reality of life and slip the entire bottle in one go before throwing in the ground. Her throat was paining due to alcohol effect but the pain she feeling within her heart can never be amendable.
''It was over!!!!'' She screamed and slashed her hand with glass. Her eyes began blurring, stomach churned and blood began oozing out while a girl began scanning her eyes in the search of khushi.
''What are you doing khush..'' She went pale as soon as she saw her best friend, khushi's miserable state half-lying in the corner lifeless.
''Lavu..I ha..t..e me..'' She muttered slightly looking at her before falling down on her lap. Yes the girl is none other than lavanya kasyap, khushi's childhood best friend.
''Why you punishing yourself?..'' Lavanya eyes welled up and she gave a dry laugh.
''I got what I deserve..'' She whispered and fell on the ground.
''Oh god!!!!'' This girl is totally mad..What she had done! Karan looked bewildered looking at her devastated state.
''Khushi open your eyes..'' he patted her cheeks. Dark shadow absorb her and she wanted to drown into it.
''Let me die..'' Both eyes widen in shock and trembled hearing her last word before closing her eyes. Hurriedly, he lifted her up and both drove toward the hospital.
''How is she?''' Karan enquired as Dr Akshat come out from her ward. Lavanya grabbed his hand in nervousness looking at their family doctor, coming toward them.
''An alcoholic habits of her's was deteriorating her health and upon that she is an asthma patient..any more depression and stress may worsen her in future..its not good sign! Anyways I gave her injection to avoid further complications and she will gain conscious within sometimes but I guess there is some problems in her reports..''
''Problem?'' He couldn't bear those words and lavanya can understand what he was going through as he is the only person that is so close to khushi after her. It was other thing khushi was still oblivious about the depth of his love.
'''I can't say now let her reports come out..i will let you know after that yah?..'' Doctor told them but there is uncertainty in his words. Lavanya went inside to see her while karan move behind doctor, akshat. Akshat not only famous psychiatric but karan's classmate as well.
''Don't hide anything tell me khushi alright or not?'' He asked holding his breathe..[Paused] ''I mean she had undergone depression..its 3rd times she tried to..'' He gulp down in pain.
''I know you love her a lot, karan and currently she need your support and love at this stage of life..make her happy as much as possible..'' he looked on half convinced. He stopped him again.
''And what about problem in her report? What was that? His another query flattered him.
''You will know once her reports come out..relax'' Dr Akshat tabbed on his shoulder and left silently that make him suspicious.
''What was he hiding?'' He wondered and prayed for her.
''What she made to herself..i can't believe she tried to commit suicide once again..'' Said lavanya sitting at the edge of the bed. Karan entered bringing the medicine prescribed by his doctor friend. Blinking back the incipient tears, she swallowed hard in pain. Stepping inside, he hold her in his embrace, consoling her.
''I can't see her like that..'' She looked on worried. Karan could feel the same pain but he anyhow control his sorrow, not wanted to break down in front of lavanya.
''I want to know who is that guy..'' His hand halted and he glanced back instantly.
''What has happen in London that made her like that..! He avoid his gaze and she made him look at her as she need answer of her query anyhow. ''I don't understand what you guys hiding..why you treating me as a stranger..speak up karan before we loose khushi forever..'' His silence frustrating her.
''As you wish..'' She pulled off and grabbed her mobile to dial a number.
''Asr come at city hospital I need t-'' Before she utter another word, he snatched her mobile and cut it off. Karan clenched his fist hearing his name and got up in a jerk all fire up.
''NO NEED TO CALL THAT Bas**-- ..'' he stopped with a thud controlling his rage that literally astonished her by his sudden change in behavior.
''Why you get so hyper hearing asr name?'' She eyed him doubtfully.
''Nothing..I think you should leave now as tomorrow is important occasion for you..'' He divert the topic and She gasped comprehending about the next day.
''Ohh ya I totally forgotten..but khush..'' She looked at khushi's state as don't want to leave her in such condition.
''Don't worry..i will take care of her..'' He assure her and she stepped out before pulling duvet on her.
Khushi was sitting in the bed. Her face was blank. Karan came near her hiding his turmoil but there is no response from her side.
''Good morning sweetheart!'' He passed a smile by giving bouquets of flowers and she touches the roses with half smile. The images of the past haunt her once again.
Flashback(6 month ago)-
''What the hell is that Mr raizada..'' khushi furiously dashed inside his cabin and throw those flowers he send her home, directly on his face...'' He was taken aback by her sudden rage and looked on startled.
''You think I m a fool! What is the need of those flowers..look Mr raizada, you are my best friend's boyfriend so better stay in your limits before I would spat everything to her..'' She lashed out angrily. He raised his eyebrow maniacally and sat on his desk, folded his toned arms.
''Why don't you liked it..'' He asked cunningly.
''Enough is enough..your so called charms might attract girls who run in your tip but I m not the girl of your type, did you understand!!!!!!..'' she finish off and turned to leave but found herself into his arms as soon as she took few step ahead. She greeted her teeth when she look down and saw his hand on her waist and he nudge her slightly close to him.
'''You are one piece for me and I like jungle billi..'' He whispered sexily. Her eyes turned to meet his and by next moment a slap landed on his face. He took a step back by a sudden force.
''You disgust me..''
''And you are in serious mess now..'' He pulled her back, twisting her hand in pain and she pushed him off.
''Don't you dare touch me..i hate are a bloody disgusting man..i don't understand why lavanya loved you so much...''
A sudden thorn pricked her fingers making her brought back into senses.
Karan looked on worried seeing her hissing due to blood droplets on her finger. Taking her hand, he was about to suck it but she immediately shrugged her hand away.
''Why the hell you brought those flowers..i hate it..i hate those useless stuffs..i meant nothing to me!!!'' She throw all roses on the floor with her breathing constricting in pain. He patted her back to calm her down and she began fidgeting, unable to breathe properly. He didn't say anything after that as many times she get such panic attacks like that and he knew how to handle her at such situation. He gave her pump and she inhale it to normal her breathe. Khushi remain silent after that. Dutifully, he wrapped his arms around her shoulder and asked her how is she. Khushi flinched and moved away.
''Don't come near me..i hate it when anyone try to touch me..i hate everybody..all men are same... '' She shouted out of her lungs loosening her sanity.
''Hosh mein ao, khushi..'' (Face the reality) He shake her but she remain unaffected and began throwing everything on the ground one by one. Her condition getting drastic. However, he splashed water on her face to bring her senses and she looked at him expressionless. She hold her head and the feeling get worse when reality again sink her. The frustration and helplessness began to increase and a gaping hole form on her chest. He was waiting to be normal again but somehow she was unable to. She hold her head that was throbbing in pain. Immediately he gave her glass of water and she gulped it in one go.
''Are you okay..'' He asked out of concern and she hummed him lightly.
''Everything will be fine..'' he assured her even he know nothing is going to be okay with her now. She had fallen for someone who is the reason of her destruction.
''Why you wasting your life for such a man..That person only gave you pain..he is nothing but reason of your pain..only pain..'' He couldn't see her in pain and wanted to erase a part of her life that shaken her world.
''Did you ever thought if anything would have happen to you, then who will take care of Arohi..she will die without you''
''Do you want to see her orphan just like you..?''
''No..'' She said instantly, realizing about her.
''Don't be a coward khushi, face the reality and accept it...Promise me you won't do anything after that..'' She nodded weakly and he sighed. For the first time, his words gave her unusual strength. She was now relax and satisfied as her true friend beside her. For some unknown reason, she cannot tell anything to lavanya but karan, he is always there with her.
''It was a mistake..Whatever happen in those heated moment was bliss but how can I forgot whatever happen between us was a disaster..I never wanted to fall in love with wasn't in my control to fall in love with him but don't know why I commit THAT ONE MISTAKE..'' She slowly said and so many tears rolled down her face. He silently listening but not looking at her. He let her cry as much she want and then angrily brushed her tears off her face conveying her this is the last time she waste those tears for that man.
''I wouldn't let a single mistake to let you down khushi..You need to fight for yourself..The khushi I used to know is not a weak girl enough to waste her life by shedding tears uselessly or commit have to be strong to face him..''
''You are right karan!I have have enough..he left me to face all this..he took a part of me and left me to suffer alone but not anymore I will show him I am not the one to be defeated so easily..'' She began to move with new courage and confidence.
''Alright arnav singh raizada you have so much power and attitude to play with anyone feelings so easily but now you are going to be destroyed and there will be nothing to be proud of...This is a promise by khushi gupta..'' She decided as she rose from her place in new determination. Karan was about to hold her as she was going to trembled but she halted him gesturing him to stop.
''Where are you going?'' He looked on worried seeing her moving at such state as her wounds are still fresh and he don't want to risk her. Her cold demeanor changed into menacing one.
''To make his life hell..'' She retorted with venom in her voice.
''But khushi-..'' she turned and hugged him with contentment.
No karan..don't stop me now..Fate has always betray me but this time I rewrite my fate and change everything I lost..'' She clenched her fist as she walked with her eyes ahead.
''All the best..'' he smiled giving her high-five and she gave him a little hint of her mission..''
To be continued..!!

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