Thursday 19 January 2017

That one mistake season 2: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Khushi in action

Chapter 3: Khushi in action

''Yeh sagai nahi ho sakhti..''(This engagement cannot take place..) He snatched the ring from his daughter hand which she was holding very possessively and it directly landed near khushi's feet. Khushi bent down and clasped it and gaze it with sorrowful expression. Closing her eyes, she pressed her palm angrily holding a ring and remembered how arnav proposed her in London. So many tears rolled down her face and she angrily brushed it off and throw the ring on the dustbin. That unpleasant memory was still fresh in her mind. Suddenly her head was throbbing in pain. It was so confusing. She tried hard to compose herself as she don't want to miss this scenario at any cost. Her demeanor changes by the scene occurring in front of her.
Girl: ''I am radhika, wife of arnav singh raizada..'' Everyone gasp at the news. A girl was standing in front of him claiming herself as Mrs raizada and everyone started gossiping and badmouthing about him.
Mr ravindra kashyap: ''Is it true arnav?'' He was shotting daggers at him. He knew about his past affairs but wasn't aware he could stop so low and tried to play with lavanya, who is gem of his life. This wasn't go easy for him. He rose up in rage.
Arnav: ''Who the hell are you??'' He greeted his teeth. Mr kashyap came forward and threw the photographs on his face which she showed him before ceremony starts.
Radhika: ''You don't recognize me? She sighed. ''I m your wife..we are so much in love and married since an year and if anyone have doubts then see these photographs..'' Anjali went and get hold of those photographs which was now lying on the floor. Perhaps, she eyeing her brother in disbelief who is rooted in shocked and surprised state. She was unable to believe her chotte will do like that but the proof cannot be ignorable that clearly stated this girl probably saying true. Khushi smiled wickedly seeing arnav's face color and signal radhika to go ahead.
''I don't expect much from you Mr raizada as a person like you can never loyal for anyone in-fact you don't deserve to be a human I only came here to save this poor soul..I really don't care what is my future after that I only came here to save another life getting ruined..I don't want her life to get spoiled like you did mine..'' she showed her fake tears and began sobbing looking down. Arnav was in deep confusion. To his surprise, he was seeing this girl first time. He not even recognize her. Who is she and why is she lying and showing falso proof? He thought eyeing her doubtfully. Seems she is well trained actress. Everyone pointing finger on him without giving him any chance to speak and upon that, this unknown girl showing her melodrama and creating scene in his mansion. That's it he can't take all these shit anymore and voiced back.
Arnav: ''She is bloody liar..i don't know her..!'' he defended himself but no one ready to believe him.
Mr kashyap: ''Enough asr..i will never gave my daughter hand to a cheater like you..'' He stated unpleasantly and turned to take lavanya out of this mansion but her protest stopped him.
Lavanya: ''Papa i love asr..i really don't care who is she or what relation she shared with him..asr is mine and I will only marry him..these photographs are fake..i trust him more than anything and I know he can never ditch me..'' She walked near asr and grabbed his hand faithfully. Her father lost all his control and furiously slapped her to broke her false delusion.
Mr kashyap: ''You have gone completely mad! Can't you see what he has done to this poor girl.. you still think he is innocent and wanted to tie knot with him? This guy don't deserve you and I will never allow you to marry him..'' He stated sternly.
Arnav: ''I don't know her and never seen her before..'' Arnav yelled but Mr kashyap didn't give heed to him and started dragging lavanya out of premise while media circled him and starred asking in-numerous questions. Aman came forward and anyhow handle the situation.
''What the hell is going on?????'' Arnav greeted his teeth to stop himself shouting at him when anjali stopped him placing hand on his shoulder.
Anjali: ''Chotte who is that girl..''
Arnav: ''Di I swear I don't know her and from where these damn photograph came..'' He was getting frustrated.
Lavanya: ''Papa please..'' She began teary and look at asr for help. He was loosing his sanity.
Mr kashyap: ''This marriage won't happen asr..won't..'' saying this, he walked out dragging lavanya forcefully along with him who is giving hard time to him.
Arnav mind began running speedily and doubtfully he glance at khushi who was standing in a corner enjoying the new drama occurring very calmly with her favorite channa and chips in her hand. The moment she noticed his heated gaze upon her, she gave her wicked smile that rage him more. He was about to lash upon her but stopped hearing his di voice.
Anjali: ''Chotte how could you do this..I m feeling ashamed to call you my brother'' He snarled frustratingly and prefer to stay silent. His eyes fixed on khushi as he had strong feeling khushi is behind all this. She could do anything to destroy him. For the first time, his di accused him because of this middle class girl. It was unbearable!
Arnav(Holding her hand): ''Di trust me..i don't know this girl and I promise I will sort out everything sooner and will found out real culprit who wanted to break this alliance and misleading us..'' She waved his hand and walked off in disappointment.
Sooner guest walked out from raizada mansion. This was a news for today's headlines. After facing so much humiliation, he was getting hyper. This girl is getting on his nerves. Khushi began walking toward the exit once everyone retarding back but this time he didn't tore his gaze from her. Before she took another foot, he grabbed her hand with a force and forcefully dragged her along with him and took her to a vacant area.
''I will not spare you khushi I know you did it all..'' He almost shouted and grabbed her . She look back waving his hand off furiously and immediately put a wide smile on her face.
Khushi: ''Sweatheart-you know me so well.. ' She smirked making a mockery of his emotions.
Arnav: ''How dare you!!!!!!!!!'' he roared holding her firmly into his muscular arms. His finger print mark on her skin and she literally pushed him behind for touching her.
Khushi: ''Hame dubara chune ki himmat bhi mat karna..'' (Don't you ever try to touch me again..) She worn with btterness.
Arnav: ''I m not even interested!'' She glanced at his face and raised her eyebrow.
Khushi: ''Oh really then why you sleep with me..! She taunted sarcastically and try to walk when he stopped her.
Arnav: ''Why you did this dammit..answer me..'' he roared loosing his patience and she gave a victorious smile.
Khushi: ''Chill baby! Shouting will only increase your blood pressure..'' She was calmer than ever and turn to leave but found herself into his embrace once again.
Arnav: You think I will let you go so one able to stop arnav singh raizada when he want anything..'' His statement compel her to met his eyes directly.
Khushi: ''Who knows better than me..'' She sigh bitterly.
''Bahat taklif ho rahi hain..Ab pata chala arnav kaisa lagta hain jab aap chik chikke chalke sach bolne ki koshish karte hain lekin koi hamper vishvas nahi karta aur hamare pyaar ko ek jhatke mein dhutkar deta hain..'' (Feeling so much you realized how it feels when you try to voice for yourself but no one able to believe you and reject your love in a instant). This is just a beginning..i will snatched each and every happiness from your life and make you beg in front of me like a begger but there is no mercy for those sin you committed in haze..'' saying this she walked out leaving him in rage and aggression. He remove his cell and made a call
Arnav: ''Hello aman..listen carefully..''
''God please forgive me for being such a selfish and mean soul..'' she sat near the terrace and closed her eyes before glancing at the open sky.
She asked forgiveness as the guilt of messing up her best friend life was eating her. Today she have seen new side of lavanya. A girl who is blindly in love with asr, don't see anything other than him. She don't know how will lavanya react when she came to know about her past relation with arnav. Does she hate me?
She still remember lavanya reaction seeing radhika. Thanks to mr kashyap who saved her on right time. And looking at the other side, she feel secure and happy by playing her cards against great arnav singh raizada and breaking his big fat ego. She was lost in deep thought when she felt a tapped on her shoulder. Khushi gave her hundred watts smile turning back and gesture karan to sit beside her.
Karan: ''I..I want to tell you something..'' his voice comes like a shutter.
His reluctant tone make her feel suspicious. His eyes was swollen and khushi noticed he was avoiding his gaze.
Khushi(Touching his face): ''Hey look at me..what happened? Is everything alright..?'' He turned facing his back and she made him look at her.
''Why you crying like a know what, you look so cute like this..'' she pinched his cheeks and giggled finding it humorous. He open his mouth to say something but her continuous blabbering put a full stop on his mouth and doesn't giving him chance to reveal. Here he is trying to gather courage so that he able to tell her about her reports but she not care to listen him. He was staring her unblinkingly.
''You know I m so so so happy..i feel like dancing..that arnav singh raizada is have missed a golden opportunity to see his condition..uski shakal dekhne layak thi aj...'' She stood up and narrated him what had happened in RM.
Karan: ''Yah I have seen in newspaper..there is only his marriage news in channels and newspaper but khushi be careful..he has been humiliated very badly..He will try to harm you..i m worried now..''
Khushi: ''Don't worry he won't do anything..Uski itni himmat nahi hain (He don't have that much courage) '' She got up and started swinging her legs and dancing happily and inhaling the fresh breathe of the cold breeze. He admire her cuteness. His heart felt content seeing her smiling so freely.
Should I tell her about her pregnancy? Is it right time to burst out? He was not sure about her reaction. May be she will broke down but he can't hide it. She need to know about her unborn. He was unsure. She looses her balance and her foot titled making her scream. He heard her scream and before she fall down, he hold her carrying her into his embrace.
Karan: ''Careful khushi..don't stress is not good for your condition..'' He said holding her stomach protectively. She looked back confused.
''What condition? What do you mean?'' He closed his eyes painfully and tried to voiced out. But how he snatched her newly found happiness. After so long she got happiness and it gave him unknown solace.
Khushi: ''What are you waiting for lets celebrate..its party time!!!!!!!'' His eyes popped out when he saw her opening whisky bottle in one go and in no time fill the glass to sulk it down her throat. Before she bring the glass near her mouth and gulp it, he snatched it from her hand immediately.
Karan: ''Are you can't drink alcohol!!!!!'' He scolded her.
Khushi: ''But why..a small pack cause no harm..'' She argued back and carry her hand to take glass but his sharp voice halted her
Karan: ''Why you are so stubborn khushi!! I said no means no..!'' Without giving any ear to him, she adamantly took the bottle from the desk and remove the knob to drink it in one slip. Within a second, the bottle been throw on the floor and it broke into pieces leaving her puzzled by his rudeness. She wanted to bark at him but stopped not wanted to spoil her mood. She began walking away and went to leave when he grabbed her hand.
''Khushi I want to tell you something..'' she shoved his hand and tried to walk away but he came forward blocking her.
Khushi: ''Leave me are very bad..i don't want to hear anything right now..'' She made a face and look away crossing her arms.
Karan: ''Don't you want to know why I m supposed to stop you drinking alcohol..'' Taking a sharp breathe, he open his mouth to reveal the shocking truth of her life.
''Khushi your reports have come and it say you are carrying a ba-...'' His words left incomplete when khushi cell rang. He groaned and khushi keep on talking with a cheerful smile on her face.
''Hey radhika..Thanks for helping me and making your plan to succeed.. without you it couldn't be possible..'' She was pleased while karan looked her frustratingly. Anyhow he need to tell her. She had every right to know about her baby and whatever the consequence after than, he will handle her. He know she will be shattered by deciphering the person she hate so much, his part was growing inside her womb but what he should do. He can't risk her life anymore. She is very precious to him. He looked back and saw her busy in muttering in phone.
'' have done superb job...I became a fan of your acting skills..'' she grinned
Radhika: Khushi you are embarrassing me..your parents have done a lot for me and it was my honor that I able to help you.. don't be so formal yaar..'' Khushi smiled back and they began talking for few minutes and karan was waiting for her to finish it off quickly.
Khushi: ''And yes I have send your flight tickets..its not safe for you to stay here hurry up and pack your stuffs immediately..i have made all arrangement for you to leave this city..your flight is at tonight by 10 pm..'' Khushi holding her stomach as it started churches.
''Karan...'' Her voice was low and she went on her knees clutching her stomach. Karan shut her phone off and she started trembling as the pain getting unbearable. He get panicked seeing her hissing. Immediately, he picked her up to take her back into her room. Within a second, he made a quick call to akshat and he assure him nothing to worry as it is normal in such condition. Heaving a sigh of relief, karan came back and feed her dinner without giving any heed to her nagging and gave her medicines. It took him some time to made her sleep. After few hours, when she was in slumber, he took a sit beside her and looked at her painfully
Why khushi..why you do this to me..Why you submit yourself to him..why you trusted him and gave yourself to him?????'' His eyes filled with tears. Anyhow he control himself and spread the duvet around her and went off before switching off the light.
After few hours khushi open her eyes lazily to look aside and saw water jug is empty. Her throat dried. Slowly, she got up and went toward kitchen to drink water. There was a sudden gravity pull from third hand. There stood him with a grim look on his face- Arnav singh raizada!!
Khushi: ''What the hell you doing in my house..'' Khushi looked perplexed and wriggle herself to freed herself from his clasp and within a second, he clasped her into his arms and she began fidgeting.
''Leave me!!!! what are you trying to do!!'' Before she raised her voice to scream, he pressed her mouth and stopped her voice not letting her to speak a word.
Arnav: ''Your stubbornness will cause you a lot..'' He started to drag her and within few minutes, she found herself into an unknown place away from her house. She was clueless. She had no idea how to run from this den. He was staring her taking a seat on the recliner in front of her and slipping black coffee very calmly.
Khushi: ''I can't let you win arnav singh may be accommodated of wining but this time you loose loose..''
Arnav: ''Hmm..'' He replied curtly and she don't know what his answer meant and why he kidnapped her.
To be continued!!!